The Bolognesi Seat is monuments in honor to Don Francisco Bolognesi, patrono of Peruvian Ejercito, heroe of Batalla de Arica.
This monument is located in the City of Lima, in the crossing formed by the Av. Alfonso Ugarte, Av. Arica, Av. Brazil, and Stroll Colon.
Year to year our Authorities and forces of the order swear fidelity to the Peruvian flag, in a ceremony that is made each 07 of June, in participate, students, politicians, ministers and I publish in general, all are reunen with the purpose of maintaining a single promise: to safeguard our national flag. Powerful "Yes, a right of perpetual ownership", is what it is listened to all over all pais. From this form, the two-color pencil and the heroes who fought in the battle of Arica, receive a deserved tribute in all the corners of the country.