Huaral is one of the Limean provinces, is to the north of the city of Lima. Huaral limits by the North with the provinces of Huaura and Oyón, by the South with the provinces of Sings and Lima, by the East with the Hill Department of Pasco and by the West with the Pacific Ocean.
The origin of Huaral goes back to the time of the conquest, when the Law of Indians is dictated, the 21 of March of 1551, ordering the reduction of the Seats of Indians with the purpose of obtaining the dispersion of the original ones. By virtue of that Law according to it express the historian Elías Ipince, is created the Seat of "San Juan Baptist of Guaral" the fourth trimester of year 1551, naming like Main Cacique to "Guaral Paico".
The Province of Huaral, whose capital is the district of the same name, has 12 districts that is to say: Huaral, Chancay, Aucallama, Ihuarí, Sumbilca, Pacaraos, Lampián, High Atavillos, Low Atavillos, 27 of November, San Miguel de Acos and Santa Cruz de Andamarca.
To continucion I present/display a custom and a story to them of the Province of Sumbilca.
Old tradition of the Community of Rauma, District of Sumbilca, Province of Huaral (put in practice in January of every year).
The Community of Rauma still conserves its cultural expressions that reaffirm their identity and at the same time they demonstrate gratitude towards his ancestros, transmitting to the new generations the sapiencia of its historical legacy.
The traditional manifestation denominated "the more well-known Residence" but like "the Hualaca", consists of the recognition of the edges of the Community to become familiar and to defend the "uses and customs" of the town.
The Hualaca is a dance that conjugates the spontaneous expressions, as much in the composition of verses like in the mímicas imitating to the native animals of the locality. Also it express samples of its interrelation with the nature.
Its peculiar style when speaking is characteristic. Their words, p.e."la put in front the article" the "a paying the fine; the teller; equivocando", etc. This gives a humorous shade him that combined with their graceful gestures becomes row for the dancers as for the observers as much.
The clothes consists of old clothes that the new comunero usually borrows of the old comuneros. "Préstame your hualaco" is a familiar expression that talks about the old hat.
The protagonists of the dance the Hualaca are the young comuneros, just incorporated the community, that begin to assume responsibilities in the position of "Regidores". Traditionally they are eight dancers: 4 entrants and 4 projections. Each group consists of 3 regidores and celador(jefe) in charge to guard by the fulfillment of the obligations. The salient regidores guide and orient the behavior of the novices.
The new authorities assume their positions the first day of the New Year, being the President the Maxima authority. The second day, the elect President orders that the recognition of the LANDMARKS or LANDMARKS in the height of the edges of the Community becomes. For the effect, all the authorities meet well early in the "seat", giving to the order the President to initiate the route.
All the regidores must be provided with a blanket or poncho to protect itself of rain. In his quipe takes to their cold cuts or cold farm that contain: roasted, field, pushpo, cheese, etc. From the authorities they receive brandy, cocaine and cigarettes, that will alleviate to him of the cold and the fatigue. In addition they take to a tamborcito or box to acompasar its song. They take leave touchingly.
First Place: The retinue leaves the town in the direction of the first landmark. They happen through pole, Huyumay, broken of acoracra until arriving at curacpaclla where the first dance is made. The third regidor is the one in charge to sing to the compass of the box, being begun the toast
The first landmark is the signal that indicates the limits of the Community of Rauma with San Agustín (Huayopampa) and it is in the called place Chauchacancha. The one in charge to recognize it is the incoming Watchman, who must find the "standard" or cross hidden by the salient watchman. If the search delays more time of the predicted thing, must pay a fine that consists of a drink of brandy. And when finding the "standard" (Indicating the relief of functions), receives the greeting and congratulation of all the regidores. Also it hides a cross, previously prepared, like standard for the next year.
The second landmark indicates the limits of Rauma, San Buenaventura and San Agustín. Tocanca is located in the denominated place. The recognition of the landmark corresponds to the first regidor. The procedure is the same one as far as relief of crossings. It is continued with the toast, expressing in his songs his relation with the nature and the wild species of animals and plants. During the route, recognizing the aromatic and medicinal, own plants of the place, take samples of them as it demonstrates of having been in these places.
Second Place: Between the second and third landmark one is Chaucay, place where they stop to rest and to use the succulent cold cuts. It continues the dance, the songs and the toast. In case of rain, the advance becomes difficult; but when there is cloud is worse because it seems at night and it is very difficult to orient itself, can be lost turning aside itself of its way. In this place, the cold cuts of quipe are replaced by the gathered aromatic grass in the route, among them: Pushunco, Grass lieutenant; Pirauya; Escorzonera, among others.
The third landmark indicates the limits of Rauma, Huamantanga and Marco. One is in the denominated place Tunshumarca. Its recognition corresponds to the second regidor. The procedure is the same one of the previous ones.
The fourth landmark delimits the edges of Rauma with Frame and it is in the place known like Chuquipitac. The one in charge to carry out the procedure is the third regidor. When recognizing the fourth landmark completes the objective of the trip and the way from return to the town is undertaken.
The songs, the "huajes" and the touch of the drum or box announce that the regidores come near the Town. It is then when their spouses leave to the encounter taking to them calientito coffee and foods.
Arriving at the town, the regidores inform to the President of all the new features of the trip. Also it offers the brought gifts to them of the heights. This is: Aromatic grass and rich "llaqvi" if they had fortune to find it.
To the following day it is called on to them to make the recognition of the "maizal" or low part of the territory of Rauma. They identify Tomas from water, the potreros or lands of the community and the limits with the neighboring communities.
He is admirable the gesture of the regidores, entrants and projections. They cross kilometers of distance on the 4000 m.s s.n.m. until obtaining the goal, recognizing the 4 fundamental landmarks that they demarcate the edges. Worthy example for the new generations of comuneros.
In spite of to have walked all the day, the regidores conclude in the heat of dancing and imitating to the young donkey with a revolcadita mud or a silbadita like the vicuñita, among other very graceful actions. Thus it is like the new authorities chosen by the community, assume his functions officially.
The Hualaca was sent by Insipid Clifor De la Cruz and Jose Felix Damián, the 23 of January 2004, under the slogan of:
Know Peru, first Huaral!..
Tradition of the Community of SUMBILCA.
RRescued by distinguished Professor Don Arcadio Arteaga León (Natural of the community of Pallac-Huaral).
The Community of Sumbilca (the one that watches the sea) is based in both sides of smooth hills in which an abutment of the mountain range of the $andes ends. The formation of this Community has been fed up risky until becoming day in one today with most important and densely populated the province with Huaral.
At the colonial time the Spaniards were the good careful when distributing the communal earth so that he did not lack any. One gave parcels for the culture of the Popes and on the low zones for sembrío of the maize, both products he bases and sustenance of the indigenous feeding. For that reason, sometimes the maizal of a town was nailed in the jurisdiction of another Community, because only thus they could equip to him with earth apt for the culture of this cereal. This is what happened to the Pampas community that had its maizal of COULLAO seated within the jurisdiction of Sumbilca. From soon the sumbilcanos they did not watch with good eyes this vicinity and vainly they had tried to expel to the pampasinos, until which it appeared DEVIL MATEO.
They called the Mateo Devil to the son of a sumbilcana that lived in the place on CORAC - STREET, neighboring place to the maizal of Coullao and that conseja popular gave like son of the city council of the sumbilcana with the devil. Then the boy of deformed body, coarse hands, disturbed feet, had in addition rare attitudes and outside the natural thing. Thus he learned to read without having school, removed trees from a single pull, broke off pedrones that others could not nor move it, he raised a coat of Popes with a single hand, could write and sign with the feet.
When Mateo grew and arrived at the fullness of its forces, it summoned to the sumbilcanos to seize of COULLAO and marching them at the top they lowered to the maizal where the pampasinos were indeed in the heat of sembrío of the maize. Challenging Mateo ordered to stop yuntas that worked and to retire immediately to the pampasinos. As these did not do case to him, it entered the small farm and with a hand it threw to yunta to a side and with the other hand to they gañan far to the other side. When the pampasinos attacked in load pile to him, it was enough that Mateo was called on them to leave them private in the ground. The others fled not to return more.
DEVIL MANUEL was sent by Jose Felix Damián, the 05 of February of the 2004.
To continucacion a definition of some of the words; always thanks to the collaboration of our friends of Rauma:
QUIPE: In Rauma and communities of deep Peru, they identify to Quipe like a small blanket where the farmers load pertenecias. In the case of the hualaca, quipe is constituted by a cold blanket whose content is the foods or farms that take for the way. Load in the back, intercrossed by the arms and opposed ends of the blanket are cuyan are moored in knot to the height of the chest to assure their stability. When they rest in a certain place, they tend the ground blanket to use as foods. Soon they surround it and they continue the way.
HUALACA (Name of the dance): Drift of hualaco. The participants use an old hat that by the use is lost its original form, hanging their wings like a cap. To this hat hualaco is called to him. Some of them with holes by the use and badly treatment of the same one.
LANDMARKS: They are used generally in the territorial limitations (maps). They are elevated natural sectors, easy to identify that they serve like reference to delineate the border with the territory of the neighboring community.
ROASTED: In this case we are not referring us to the meat roasted one that is known in the coast. In the communities, the roasted one constitutes the Popes greatest spanish stews in the furnace (vicharra) with red coal to the alive one. When removing it from the coal, the housewives scrape it with one coronta of one mazorca of maiz to eliminate the rind. He is very pleasant, if she is of yellow Pope far better.
PUSHPO: (quechua Must be word). Pushpo is the turn out to toast habas dry and soon to make it boil in a pot until concinar it well. Before removing it a little salt is introduced to savor it to taste if it is possible with cracked and everything. It is consumed accompanied of the field (maiz toasting, that it replaces to the bread).
HUAJE: When singing a man or a woman, has a little while where he sends an acute shout (huaaaaaaaaajijijijijijiji...). There am the huaje there. It is the announcement of which a delegation comes near the town. Or also he sends himself when the owners of the cattle, after to have celebrated the roundup, dismiss the animals to the field with canticos where the huaje is present.
There are other words like: Tunshumarca, tocanca, chaucay, etc. are names of places in Rauma. They are voices quechuas; inheritance of the ancestors, whose meaning is estan looking for, as soon as they are has been offered to us enviarnoslos, once happens this we will come to publish them for a better understanding of this traditional custom.
Web site created on march 30 of 2005. © Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.