MANCOSTo few kilometers of Yungay and Ranrahirca, one is the town of Mancos, point from which the expeditions of andinistas that they try to scale the Huascarán, leave for Tumpa and from Musho, towns that are in the route of scaling of the snowed one. The name of this town must to the following tradition: They tell that at the time of the conquest of Peru; having be taken prisoneren the Atahualpa Inca, into the hands of the Spaniards, in the twilight of that little memorable 16 of November of the 1532, in the historical seat of Cajamarca, like an omen of the fall of the Great Empire, in vain Inca looked for to recover his freedom offering the famous rescue, in effect, great part of the treasure was transported from the Cusco and Pachacamac through the alley of Huaylas, by where she crossed one of the ways of the empire. Being the caravan in this great valley, when one of the flames that the gold lead misled, later he was found by the Spaniards. But valuable the shipment remained intact and to the care of the inhabitants of the hamlet. The codiciosos of gold (Spanish), like on taken by this unusual act of of honesty and discipline, described ironically as "mancos" to the native ones of the place, this is "without hands". Since then the Spaniards continued using this symbolic word to designate to the place, whose primitive name was "ALLIMACKA" that it means "the one that beats strong". On the individual one talks about to that a personage of extraordinary force existed in the place, deriving from it the name of the place.
![]() PUEBLO DE MANCOS A las 6:00 a.m.
![]() MANCOS
![]() VISTA PANORAMICA DE MANCOS USANDO GOOGLE EARTH ATTRACTIVE TURISTICOS OF THE MANCOS TOWN The town of Mancos when being located in the "Heart of the Alley of Huaylas", is a town that this nailed in the skirts of the snow-covered Huascarán, in km 248 of the Alley of Huaylas, this favorable location allows to the attractive tourist a better displacement to the natural ones of the zone, as they are towns, snow-covered, lagoons and rivers of the white mountain range. The people of this town are amiable, the climate is healthful and their colorful and challenging landscapes turn the "Land of the adventure" for the lovers of the andinismo, treking, bicycle of mountain, canotaje, scaled on rock and ecoturismo. Mancos is also famous by its supervisory celebration of "San Roque" that is made days 14, 15, 16 and 17 of August of every year. THE ROUTE OF SCALING TO THE HUASCARAN Definitively from Mancos it divides the route but direct to scale the top of the Huascaran, from this town and in only 5 days the top can be crowned, always in when cuentre with previous a suitable training and a specialized guide.
For this the people of Mancos propose the following itinerary.
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