The District of Chavin de Huantar is one of the 16 districts that conform the Province of Huari, Huari is one of the 20 provinces that comprise of the Department of Ancash.
We do not have to be confused with the names of the districts of this province, which are Huari, Anra, Cajay, Chavin de Huantar, Huacachi, Huacchis, Huachin, Huantar, Masin, Paucas, Ponto, Rahuapampa, Rapayan, San Marcos, San Pedro de Chana and Uco.
As they can appreciate are the districts of Huantar and Chavin de Huantar and the Complex Arqueologico de Chavin de Huantar is located in the District of Chavin de Huantar.
The capital of the District of Chavin de Huantar is the city of the same name, in this city the people whom they have thought to visit the Complex Arqueologico Chavin de Huantar with thoroughness, can obtain to lodging asi like other services.
From the seat of arms, one can go to foot to the Arqueologico Complex, because the distance that separates them is not but of 500 meters.