Aucallama is one of the twelve districts of the province of the Huaral.

Aucallama, is the capital of the district of the same name, is to about four kilometros of the freeway that goes Haural, Aucallama; it seems a very calm property, of settlers in his mayoria of black race, in her were based the people who worked in the houses properties of the great landowners; before epoca of the agrarian reform and ademas of the descendants of the people of black race who arrived at the Peru in epoca of the Colony and the Republica.

Alejandro Canales Chapeyquen, writes to us to inform to us on Aucallama, to continuation a transcription of the received document.

Aucallama is single one of the Commissions of Regantes of the Valley of Aucallama, are ademas: Commission of Regantes Pasamayo - Small farm and Sea, Commission of Regantes San jOse - Miraflores, Commission of Khaki Regantes, Commission of Regantes Palpa, Commission of Regantes Santo Domingo that part of the 17 Commissions of Regantes of the Meeting of users Chancay - Huaral forms. The Valley of Aucallama occupies all the left margin of the Rio Chancay - Huaral.

Aucallama is located to 60 km to the north of Lima with an extension of 716.81 km to 1 hour of the Capital of the Republica, with a tenplado climate, opened and humid. By the north it limits with the Rio Chancay, by the South limits with hills of Pasamayo, by the East with Sumbilca and Canta and by the West with the Oceano Pacific. In winter garuas slight and with low fogs is appraised. In summer he is warm with heavy drops of rain sometimes, which means the increase of waters of rio; with a temperature average of 24º C; and winds sources of 26 km per hour.


LOCATION GEOGRAFICA: Hás. under irrigation is located in the district of Aucallama in the right margin of the Rio Chancay has an extension of 1.358, with a height of 140 m.s, n.m, with a tempered climate, opened and humid. By the North, it limits with the Rio Chancay, By the South, with the Community Farmer of Aucallama (earth eriazas), By the East, with the Community Farmer of Aucallama (earth eriazas), by the West, with the Commission of Regantes Pasamayo. Its premises are located in the Floral Av Nº 428, is conformed by 09 Comites de Regantes that is:

1. Comite de Regante Aucallama.
2. Comite de Regante San High Graciano.
3. Comite de Regante San low Graciano.
4. Comite de Regante Gramadales.
5. Comite de Regante High Stopper, Yanacones Sto Domingo.
6. Comite de Low Regante Stopper.
7. Comite de Regante Stopper High Parceleros.
8. Comite de Regante Monte Chico.
9. Comite de Regante San Luis.


On 1534 in Novienbre Aucallama is based as the first District of the Spanish conquest, belonging to Don Francisco Pizarro from the Pacific (Pasamayo beach) today Small farm and Sea of Aucallama to Lumbra.

Aucallama having 2.000 Indians who vivian dispersed; these fuerón assigned to the Real Spanish crown, being the Gentleman of the repartimiento Don Francisco Pizaro.

In 1535 having itself made the repartimientos in earth of Aucallma, they habian encomendadores of Indians who worked earth and to these inn painted (Aucallama) and inns of the Frayles(Palpa) were called to him.

In 1536 Francisco Pizarro it orders one shown no mercy persecution against the Indians of the Chancay Valley who surrounded Lima, doing a revolt killing to thousands of Indians of: It sings, Huarochi, Chancay, Aucallama.

In 1539 the territories of Francisco Pizarro happen through consesión to the parents of the convent of Santo Domingo (Dominican) until 1919 (who conducian Miraflores), time in which they work territories of Aucallama, introducing the sugar cane in Feels and viñales in Miraflores. They choose the first primitive chapel in Aucallama (1539).

In 1540 acresenta the great flocks of cattle Ovine, Bovine, Goat and Pig. Including animals of different owners and in greater proportion of the entrusted ones and the Caciques of greater rank.

It is established the seats of the Spanish Colonization Under the religious invocations of Santo Domingo, being the Indians gathered in the level low zone, to the left margin of the Rio Pasamayuc (today rio of Chancay), in this valley agrupán to all the Indians in single the town of Aucallama, where also some Spaniards are based, where the Dominican ones also were in charge to evangelizar to the settlers and to cultivate the Earth.

In 1542 the virreynato in Peru was created naming the first virrey Don Blasco Nuñez de Vela, bringing the decrees in which suprimia the charges and everything what was the operation against the Indians.

In 1548 frayles Dominican; Fray Lopez of Fuente and Fray Melchor of the Kings fuerón the first organizers of the Property Feels, cultivating the sugar cane in great scale and the elavoración of the same one. The priest Don Pedro of the Gasca in 1548, I fight by the protection and the evangelización for the Indians atravez of the parrocos and Frayles of towns and villages.

In 1550 and 1560 the investment in empresar was made every greater time agricolas, sugar cane, frijol, maize.

The governors tenian much influence to assign earth concessions to yanacones, with limited groups of Indigenas, that hacian of encomenderos.

In 1551, of the 21 of March, one of the general laws of Indians, the Spanish Real decree, he had the reduction of Indians, to again regroup them in a single town, with which one becomes to found Aucallama, with refundacion he takes in the name from Real Santo Domingo from from Aucallama adjudged the cofrog from Spain, for that reason Aucallama was a Real charge because of the persecution done by Pizarro years atras against the Indians habian refugee in the heights and asi to have controlled them and is organized to them naming some caciques, enclosed until mayors years despues.


In century XVII in first half, a part of territories of Stopper can have originated in form unknown by a called Spanish Picón. In 1642 these earth they pertenecian to Don Juan Delgadillo Greater Grove. Generally as era of property the territories of Aucallama of the crown of Spain, since the dominions habian trim in Feels until Santo Domingo, where they tenian the Victory and the convent, habian lazy left territories of Stopper - Aucallama, asi a time was into the hands of encomenderos, cazicasgos or rented it Spanish to any, when these hacian it to produce and was clean; the Church with any pretext took off it.

In 1681 single one were six or seven Indians in the town of Aucallama who also vivian in ruins as a result of the slaughter of Indians caused by Pizarro (1536) and the obligatory military service, of the mitas and the manufactures and the cruel payment of tribute, maltratos on the part of the "encomenderos", caciques, corregidores and you cure, by the frequent epidemics of smallpox and other destructive causes the Indians and mestizos practicamente ended.


Boza and Pasamayo (Aucallama) are the unicas Properties in which the proprietors are direct of consanguineas lines Nº 1712 Don Francisco de Daja (Apparently he was tio of the wife of Hieronymite Stopper) was, the first proprietor so that the crown of Spain gives earth him, in Villa de Arnedo de Chancay and it represents captain Matias de Villavinco the 27 of January of 1712 before the visitador Juan Antonio Urra.

To not having arms to trababajar, the earth it is left, so that the Indians habian killed in his mayoria and the few that quedarón habian fled to the heights. Francisco of the Daja, soon after to have acquired the property became ill leaving the same one by many years was therefore called to him to this I found Our Lady of the Solitude.

In 1740, the 29 of August, Don Jose Antonio Boza and Eslaba first Marquéz de Casa Stopper adjudges territories of Don Francisco of the Daja, when acquiring the property occurs whereupon there are arms no to work, is itself forced to buy slaves (black) for seedtime from maize, frijol, olive trees and the raising of pigs, benificiandolos in meats and butter to Lima, which is known him from the 28 August of 1740 like matequilla Stopper. In 1743 Don Jeronimo Boza and Solis, second Marquéz de Casa Stopper and its wife Juana War of the Daja, buys earth to Don Jose Antonio Boza and Eslaba, the 4 of February of 1743 before Ucada Notary.

In 1759 Don Antonio Jose Stopper of the Daja "Marquéz de Casa Stopper" son of Hieronymite testamentary Stopper of the 12 of July of 1759 folio Nº 215 Notary - Ascurras Marquéz de Casa Stopper.

In 1772 them host to his son Don Francisco Stopper that in tentamento favors to Doña sprocket stopper of which he has two children who are Jeronimo Stopper and Stopper and Doña Aurora Stopper and Stopper.

In 1795 Doña Aurora Stopper of Cheek it inherits to his Hieronymite brother Stopper and Stopper "Marquéz de Casa testament Stopper" founded the 4 of May 1795 (684 folio - Bonilla Notary).

In 1815 Don Antonio Stopper and Cheek "Marquéz de Casa Stopper" the 30-6-1815 receives in executor Fundo Stopper (folio 970 Nº - Espinoza Notary).

In 1817 Don Jose Maria Stopper "Marquéz de Casa Stopper" in executor it receives I found the 26 - 5 - 1817 (Notary Jose Mendoza Santa Cruz).

In 1833 Don Jose Vicente Stopper it receives I found on executor the 29 - 11 - 1834 (folio Nº 396 - Notary Houses).

In 1854 Don Antonio Jose Stopper "Marquez de Casa Stopper" it receives I found on executor the 8 - 4 - 1854 - Orellana Notary.

In 1854 Doña Aurora Stopper Vda. de Castillo sister and heiress of Antonio Jose Stopper (not to have children) in 3 executor of December of 1854.

In 1964 the priemera the Agrarian Reformation in Peru occurs, in the first period of President Belaunde, by the fight of the federation farmer of the valley of Chancay, Huaral and Aucallama and the Confederation Farmer of Peru, arriving to benificiar yanacones of all the compression of Aucalllama, once obtained in governmental recognition, mayoria of them groups in comunidaes agricolas farmers and cooperatives in 1966. Soon, the second agrarian reform occurs in 1971 with President Velasco, on the properties of the landowners, in whom their workers benefit directly.

The cooperatives get to work in form of: feudatario (yanacones), and parceleros (laborers of the landowners), in their modality of opened and closed, obtaining benefits in the claims of the prices of insumos and the agricola production, the possession of their earth and simultaneously all these cooperatives estan integrated in the power station of cooperatives of the valley of Chancay, Huaral and Aucallama, in these form the agriculturists are united. Being created by years 1997 - 1998 the Commission of Stopper - Aucallama.







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