The district of Chancay has many attractive tourist ones, beautiful landscapes, extensive beaches, and was the establishment of the Chancay culture.
The Seat of Arms considered "nonsingle Historical Seat" by the events that in her were made, but to shine (from the 14 of December of 1999 date of celebration of the 437 Anniversary of the Spanish foundation of the town of Chancay) like trophy, rest of Virgin the Chilean canteen "of the Covadonga", sunk by brave chancayanos to the control of Lieutenant AP. Decio Oyague Neyra, afternoon of the 13 of September of 1 880. These pieces are: the anchor, a part of the tube and 20 meters of chain that are placed in a monument located in an angle of the Seat, in front of the Municipality.
The city of Chancay, formerly Villa Arnedo, cuatricentenaria villa of Chancay, capital of the district, is a town with much tradition, a beautiful Seat of Arms, second of Peru by its great extension. To the center a beautiful one is distinguished and historical PUBLIC SQUARE of colonial type, scene of many historical, political and social events is surrounded by gigantic centennial trees and gardens of exquisite verdor. Today day this seat has become the center of the political, social, cultural activities and of relaxation of the city.
Another attractive worthy one to be mentioned is the First Church of the lnmaculada Conception, colonial type, with its greater altar, tabernacle and púlpito of Baroque style, its altars with gold old bread moldings. Another relic is the Chapel of the Virgin of the Dolores, before Chapel of the Convent of San Future Buena, today Chapel of the District of the Hospital. In her they conserve the image of the Painful Virgin, who defended Chancay of the bombing of the Chileans; appearing to it them in the beach that was cover of a dense fog, not allowing so they distinguished the town of Chancay.
As it leaves from the chancayano Tourism we must mention his Archaeological Museum, which was created the 23 of Julio of 1991, is located in the old Municipal Palace. This Museum, keeps many archaeological pieces from the Chancay Culture.
The port of Chancay, source of tourist and historical attraction, aqui very many chancayanos offered their lives during the war with Chile.
At the present time it is an industrial center with many conserveras factories and of flour of they pescado.En the port is celebrated the traditional celebration of San Pedro, that is taken from stroll to the sea by the fishermen. Another one of their attractive tourist ones conforms chancayanas beaches, like "the Vine", with beautiful caidas of fresh water; other beaches of much tourist attraction are: Chancayllo and Dry Rio.
Web site created on march 30 of 2005. © Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.