The beauty of the lagoon, the warm prevailing climate all the year and specially the curativo power attributed to their waters (, long ago rich in sulfurosas and saline substances) caused that Huacachina became, around 1940, in one of the most important and exclusive Peruvian bath of then.
To houses and hotels were constructed, rose a beautiful levee around the lagoon, with railings, tree-lined avenues and vestidores for swimmers. The way was even asphalted that unites to the lagoon with the city of Ica, seeding it of ficus, acacias and guarangos. Although the passage of time and the negligence of the authorities have made evident damage, the bath still maintains enough of the prestancia of their better times.
A survivor of that time is the Mossone hotel, constructed in 1920, has a beautiful terrace towards the highest levee and ficus in his central patio. It was favorite place of president Augusto B. Leguía and Salcedo and, later, of artists like Sérvulo Gutiérrez.