The lines of Are born, attractive main more well-known name of the tourist one of the zone, are in Pampas of Jumana, Is born, in Peru, and are composed by a set of zoomorfas, fitomorfas and geometric figures that appear recorded in the surface of the desert plateaus.
The first reference to these figures belongs to the Cieza conqueror of Leon in 1547.
The mathematical Maria Reiche influenced in Paul Kosok venturing the hypothesis that these drawings had an astronomical meaning.
The first study of serious field on these drawings must, after five seasons of work of field, to the equipment of Reindel and Island. These archaeologists have documented and excavated more than 650 deposits and have been able to draw up the history of the culture that generated these drawings, besides to give a sense them.
The water supplying played an important role in the region. The excavations have brought to light small cavities in the geoglifos in which have been offerings religious of agricultural products and animals, mainly sailors. The drawings formed a ritual landscape whose aim had to be to cause the invocation of the water. In addition have been stakes, cords and tests of figures. As these so simple elements the old settlers used of Is born to draw up the drawings. In addition it is necessary to remember that she is one of the driest zones of the world which favors the conservation of the drawings.
Views of fence, these lines become simple furrows in the ground. The geologic characteristics of Pampas cause that it is not necessary much more to obtain a visible result. The surface is composed by a pebble layer of a dark reddish color caused by the oxidation, that covers another one with clear a yellowish color. You are born them were limited to retire the superior stones being followed a layout that previously had indicated with stakes, united by cords, from a model on smaller scale and a dose of geometry. The eliminated stones were accumulated in small túmulos that still are conserved. The work method completely has been reconstructed from the tests gathered by the archaeological expeditions.
The amazing thing is that these lines only can be observed in all their immensity from the air, when flying over the desert. These lines also are old testimony of a great geometric knowledge of the Peruvians.
Between It feels and It is born, in Pampas of Socos, are located lines drawn up in the ground, whose width oscillates between the 40 centimeters and 1.10 meters. It is a blackish and reddish earth between that becomes at dusk violácea. A hill semicircle in the distance conforms a gigantic open natural amphitheatre towards the west.
In this region, thousands of lines extend by 520 km², and some even extend until a 800 area of km².
The line lenghts are variable, getting to measure some up to 275 ms of length.
They are possible to be located in Google Earth copying and sticking in his finder these coordinates: 14°32'55.30"S 75°10'25.18"W, in this same format.
The figures that are in Is born, particularly in Pampas of San jOse are numerous: geometric figures, meanders, human representations animals, vegetables and, geometric labyrinths, and other drawings.
Most representative they are the animal drawings: birds of between 25 and 275 meters in length (colibríes giants, cóndores, the heron, grulla, the pelican, the gull, the parrot and others), a monkey, a spider, a snail, a small lizard, a killer whale of 27 meters, a dog with long legs and tail, two flames, etc. In the category of reptiles, a lizard, that were cut when being constructed the South Pan-American highway, a iguana and a serpent. Many of the drawings are mixed with lines and spirals.
Almost all the drawings were done in the level surface; only there are few in slopes of hills. Almost all the figures that are located in slopes represent men. Some are crowned by three or four vertical lines that perhaps represent the pens of a ceremonial hairdo (some momias Peruvian took to hairdos of gold and pens).
The figures of slopes appear defined less than those of the desert perhaps because the stones that have rolled by the slope have erased the details.
Anthropomorphous figure (that some identify with an assumption astronauta).Más of thirty are the geoglifos until today found in Pampas of Is born. The drawings are smaller in amount compared with the geometric designs that consist of hundreds and hundreds of lines, triangles and quadrangles that occupy great land extensions. Its technique of construction was careful by means of which the topographers of the past took to the lines to hills and precipices without turning aside itself of their original direction.
The depth of the lines never exceeds 30 cm and some are simple scratches in the surface, but even so they can be recognized when the sun is low and the relief is accentuated.
Technically the lines of Are born are perfect. The straight lines lock up a perfection with small deviations throughout kilometers. The drawings are well proportionate, mainly if we thought about the dimensions of its drawings.
Figure of araña.Desde earth, these designs happens unnoticed. These lines only can be observed in all their immensity from the air, when flying over the desert to at least two hundred meters of height. This demonstrates a great geometric knowledge of old the Peruvians.