A stroll by the Coastal Malecon allows us to visit but important the attractive turisticos of the city of ilo, as they are the Naval Museum, the Fiscal Wharf, the Public square Jose Gálvez and the Artisan Wharf.
Un paseo por el Malecon Costero nos permite visitar los mas importantes atractivos turisticos de la ciudad de ilo, como son el Museo Naval, El Muelle Fiscal, La Glorieta José Gálvez y el Embarcadero Artesanal.

COASTAL MALECON Photo Courtesy of: Miguel Alex Ale Valeriano

PUBLIC SQUARE JOSE GALVEZ Viewpoint constructed in 1915 on a rocky crag of the coast; its structure is of iron, with supports of wood and hexagonal ceiling and is united to mainland by the Venus bridge. It is the symbol that characterizes to Ilo and from a beautiful Vista of the sea is had there, the boats, the birds and, occasionally, of marine wolves. LA GLORIETA JOSE GALVEZ Mirador construido en 1915 sobre un peñasco del litoral; su estructura es de fierro, con soportes de madera y techo hexagonal y está unido a tierra firme por el puente Venus. Es el símbolo que caracteriza a Ilo y desde allí se tiene una hermosa vista del mar, las embarcaciones, las aves y, ocasionalmente, de lobos marinos.

THE FISCAL WHARF Constructed by the end of century XIX, with supports of iron, lateral wood platform and stairs. Still tracks of the railway lines and supports of old cranes like test of the made an effort harbor work have left that was made formerly. EL MUELLE FISCAL Construido a fines de siglo XIX, con soportes de hierro, plataforma de madera y escaleras laterales. Aún quedan huellas de las líneas férreas y soportes de viejas grúas como prueba de la esforzada labor portuaria que se realizaba antiguamente.

THE ILO PORT In this taking the Public square is appraised, the Artisan Wharf and to the bottom some fishing boats. EL PUERTO DE ILO En esta toma se aprecia La Glorieta, El Muelle Artesanal y al fondo algunas embarcaciones pesqueras.

THE DUSK FALLS ON ILO Photo Courtesy of: Miguel Alex Ale Valeriano
Web site created on march 30 of 2005. © Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.