In kilometer 67 of the main highway it is located San Jero'nimo de Surco, a town like so many others watered to the side of the Rímac river. This town is to a height of 1,950 msnm.
Leaving the town of Furrow with direction a pack animal road that climbs, in zigzag is had. The footpath is raised and stony. It is the beginning of the ascent towards the annex of Huaquicha, scale to a much more interesting place. Cuesta is not a stroll by the park, but the effort yes that the pain is worth. Raising of a few and breathing hard, while the Vista, the sense of smell and the Ear lose in full places of vegetation and flowers of colors yellow, red and orange, next to brooks that fall free and refrescantes, warning what one is going away to find above: the Cascades of Palakala.

CATARATA DE PALA CALA Photo courtesy of: http://www.mysticaltrekking.com
Of Furrow to Huaquicha there are approximately 3 kilometers, with an unevenness of 500 to 550 meters, that can demand a time walking of between 1,5 to 2 hours. After almost one hour of way from Huaquicha, the sound to water spurts flowing on stones becomes very intense. The sun at this point - approximately 2700 msnm - burns placenteramente. The nights, between the Months of June and August, are cleared and starred, but also you cold.
Web site created on march 30 of 2005. © Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.