This pagina we are going away it to dedicate to the cocaine, mileneria and sagrada plant of the Incas, whose cientifico name is Erytroxylum Cocaine. We are not going to dedicate this pagina to spread its nutritional properties, nor to speak on his badly won and mistaken cocaine fame she is cocaina.

In this pagina we will treat on its religious magico use.



The more distant archaeological signs of the cocaine leaf go back to about 2000 years before Christ. The Incas used the cocaine for diverse aims, like friendship expression, like currency, to repay services. From them he derives, in addition, the sacred character of the cocaine leaf. Mixed with vegetal oils he was used to soften rocks. They were the Incas who discovered their therapeutic properties and initiated the medicinal use of coca.El empire Inca had the establishment plantations that were property of the Inca, to maintain a cocaine production stable.

Taken from: The sagrada plant of the Incas. By Cariboni Morning call


The natives always transport with them a small stock market with cocaine leaves (called chuspa), as well as a piece of paste done of vegetable ash ' llujkta ". They mix a handful of leaves with a little ash, soon chew it calmly, secretando much saliva. Once ingested, the juice of the cocaine, mixed with the saliva, produces little by little its effects: momentary diminution of the hunger sensation, cold, fatigue... Which explains because the cocaine is consumed in great amount by all those people who take a life sacrificed and full of difficulties. The cocaine leaves also serve "yatiris" (those that knows) to carry out a great part of their sorceries and their auguries. When throwing the cocaine on a traditional weave "haguayo" prepared for this effect, says to be able to discover to the thieves and the things that disappeared. The person who interrogates itself on the infidelity, the conduct or the intentions of her spouse goes has to consult to "yatiri", that after to have made several orations mystic-nuns, gives some cocaine leaves to him which they will have to be put in contact with the people of who it is desired to discover some secret. Soon the leaves are given back "yatiri" that is going to use them, making a certain ceremony, before dropping abruptly the leaves of cocaine to the ground. The answer depends on the way as the leaves fall... In order to have the news of an absent person, to know his health, its conduct or its businesses, it is necessary to take his articles to dress or objects that the person has used: one tends them by the ground and the cocaine is thrown superficially. He is preferable to choose old clothes that have not been washed, assuring this way one better communication with the people who used them, without these realize. In the same way, one says that the image of a deceased in its clothes can be seen. The chewed cocaine serves like amulet and offering to the divinities. And escupiendo the juice of the cocaine in the palm of the hand, with the extensive fingers and observing the way as it falls, it would be possible to be predicted the future. Feels it bitter to the cocaine, if some misfortune is prepared.

Taken from: Milenaria and Sagrada Cocaine Leaf. By Dr Carlos Orellana Terraces


The sagrada leaf

Koka Kintu, as they call to him in the $andes, is an ally of the Andean man. For this town, the cocaine is a gift of the Inti or the God - sun. There its magical value is born that in rituals can advise, to give to visions or special knowledge.

In addition, the leaf is an offering that is deposited in specific places and that are used in many ceremonies, to receive protection and to cause the good harvests. On the other hand, the cocaine fundamentally constitutes means of social cohesion in the Andean world. In celebrations like births, marriages or funerales where it meets the community cannot lack the cocaine, without her is difficult to create social relations. Another traditional use is in the medicine, between the many evils that the cocaine cures or alleviates stands out disentería, ulcers, upset stomach, luxaciones, edema or swelling, resfriado and sorojchi or altitude sickness.

Nowadays million of Andean acullican cocaine or take kills of cocaine. The farmers, workers and students of the $andes use it to take shelter of the dream, hunger and thirst, as in other cultures the stimulating coffee like a smooth one is used. He provides energy in the work and, therefore, it is essential in regions where few nourishing options exist. At the moment, the deficiency of the leaf would mean in some regions the immediate elevation of the undernourishment indices.

The cocaine is not consumed single but that is accompanied by llujt'a, that is a alkaline one of extreme importance in the act of acullicar. No miner or working acullica without the application of llujt'a, possibly by some indirect effect of the single cocaine in the long term. Llujt'a is constituted of different raw materials. In the plateau, generally, it is prepared of the ash of the stems of quinua, some times is mixed with a little sugar, water or alcohol; others, with cooked Pope. This one, after kneading it well, is dried to the sun until she becomes as solid as a stone.

The coca in the Tawantinsuyu

The contributions of etnohistoriadores and anthropologists who have been based on Spanish chronicles, as well as of archaeologists raise that the cocaine leaf had a great meaning for the preincaicos Andean towns. For example, in the north of Peru, they have been vasijas of the mochica culture (500 years a.d.), in which possible figures appear of shamanes with the cheek expanded by the acullico.

It has been written that ayllus aymara - socioeconomic organization - of the Titicaca Lake had colimes in the Yungas of the present department of La Paz Other cronistas tell that the Incas flattered cocaine to the ethnic authorities that arrived at Cuzco, like part of the reciprocity between the dominated State and groups. In addition, which next to other products, this leaf was stored in provincial deposits to be used in the days of war and was distributed between the natives in the days of peace, to alleviate the necessities of the population in case of food shortage.

One knows that the Incas told on dedicated zones the culture of the cocaine that were under their control and seems to be that the cocaine acted the as of value of change in absence of a currency.

On the other hand, the cocaine also had in the incario, like at previous times, a magical function - religious fundamental. The fortune tellers chewed cocaine leaves and escupían the juice in the palm of the hand with the extended fingers to foretell good or bad auguries. In fact, the own founding myth of the empire had relation with the cocaine. Garcilaso of the Fertile valley, when relating the legend of the children of the sun who founded the empire, indicated that these had ofrendado cocaine leaves and taught to the town that these could be used to kill the hunger, to eliminate the fatigue and to allow that the unfortunate one forgot its misfortunes.

Taken from: Sustenance of the soul and the body. Leaf of Cocaine, Medicine and Food. By Paulina Maple.


The remote origin but of the word "coca" has been found in the word will aymará KHOKA, that means the TREE simply, seems nevertheless that the significant one of this word exceeds in much its meaning, because it would make reference to a plant of characteristic individuals and attributes, as much magico-monks as social, in fact, its mythical origin establishes that Khuno, God of the snow and the storm found prudent to set afire great extensions of the mountain in order to fertilize the Earth before the presence of its new inhabitants, nevertheless, the difficult proliferation of fires I anger of such way its height, who this one solved to trigger a storm of fire leaving the exhausted fields and to its inhabitants freed to its own luck. When these left their caverns once last the frightful storm, the only thing that found as nutritional source were a small shrub of shining green leaves whose ingestion produced a well-being sensation immediately, being saved that the devastation produced by the fury of Khuno. The leaf therefore was assimilated as a divinity and of in ahead the denomination of "Breast Cocaine" dominates the phantom of wanderings there on the plant. Breast cocaine incarnated the powers of the nature and the cosmos, was huaca and therefore the same leaf was magician. Their powers derived nonsingle and their stormy appearance, like universal mother era first of all, the "Goddess Earth" or Pachamama.

Taken from the Test: Coca: between Gods and demons, of BOOKS and TESTS of Renzo Abruzzese.


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