"The lagoon of Pacucha" is considered like one of but the great and beautiful lagoons of Peru.
This lagoon this located in the District of Pacucha, which is to 15 km of the capital of the province of Andahuaylas to an altitude of 3.125 m.s.n.m. located between the coordinates: 13°36´27´´ South latitude and 79°19´30´´ west longitude, has an extension of 152,00 you have.
Its importance are also in virtue to that their volume and nutritious components of their waters is productive, at the present time comes explotándo different ícticas species like the trout, lacustrine pejerrey, carp common and rainbow, generating therefore new work and power supplies in benefit of the populations of the place.
The water of the lagoon of Pacucha has a minimum temperature of 15°C in the months of June and July and Maxima of 19°C in the months of March and April.
Their dimensions are, maximum length 3.970 ms in the axis this - west; wide maximum 2.680 ms; Maxima depth 30m, volume 118´010,495 m3.