The city of Abancay, capital of the Department of Apurimac, is an old population with predominance of old Spanish constructions and small houses of republican cut.

PLAZA DE ARMAS DE ABANCAY Segun the tradition gathered by the cronistas and historians, the city of Abancay was founded by the visitador Ruiz de Estrada on 1,574, with the name of Santiago de Habancay.

LA CATEDRAL In its provincial seat of arms yergue its old and colonial greater church of a very simple architecture.

HERMOSA CASONA ESTILO COLONIAL BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOUSE COLONIAL STYLE Today day this beautiful large house has become a hotel with all the comforts.


COLOURED CLOUDS ABANQUINO As they podran to appreciate in this taking, the resistance of the colors is also reflected in the resistance between civilization and nature.
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