Peruvian dog without Hair, Vitilingo or popularly known like Chinese Dog.
Huaca Dragoon.
On the race of this dog there is very little writing and much less one has spread.
On Peru the denominated organization has been based Association Friends of the Dogs without Hair of Peru, is a too long name, but she is that what does is also long term, also exists the National Committee of Protection of the Dog without Hair of Peru, another long name for little that have done until now.
Peruvian dog without Hair, Vitilingo or popularly known like Chinese Dog.
Huaca Dragoon.
The 12 of June of the 2006 dog Peruvian dog without hair have been turning 21 years of registered like race before the Cinol?gica federation the International with seat in Amsterdam, were recognized patrimony of Peru the 22 of October of the 2001, by Supreme Decree N? 17527, are a native race of accompanied Peru and to to the Peruvian man for, but of 3000 years, being represented in the huacos of the cultures, Chim?, Chancay, Mochica, mainly.
Peruvian dog without Hair, Vitilingo or popularly known like Chinese Dog.
Huaca Dragoon.
They are company animals that basicamente live in the coast, being able to adapt to any climate and height, is not friolentos and is very good guardians.
To lack hair they also lack scent to dog and of fleas, they are very intelligent and agile.
They are known like Viringos, that in the language muchic, means naked or as dog pierces or calato, one is not due to confuse with Chinese the Crestado Dog, that also lacks hair in the body, but presents/displays great amount of hair in the legs and head.
Many varieties in their size exist; being three, and in its colors, llendo of the black, happening through the lead and arriving hasa the pink one, being a veriedad with spots that is called orquidea.
Extremely esbeltes and elegance are quoted abroad by his when walking, gaining aids of beauty against other races and getting to be champions in the eurpeos aids.
Proximo 13 and 14 of Julio, was made the I Congress the International of this race, the same one that was made in the Museum of the Nation
Peruvian dog without Hair, Vitilingo or popularly known like Chinese Dog. Museo de Sitio Túcume.
This information to provided by:
Claudia G?lvez Ramirez.
Professor, Escritora and Criadora.
Friends of the Dogs without Hair of Peru
Web site created on march 30 of 2005. © Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.