Domingo 10 of June of 2001

The trip has been EXCELLENT! We were to 1? approximately centigrade, we reached up to 84 Km./h!

They were approximately the 6,00 a.m. when I left house to wait for Mario, one of my brothers, I walked pedaleando (for "not congealing to me") near 10,00 minutes, when seeing that the hour advanced and that the aforesaid one did not arrive, I decided to take to the bull by the spears and went to look for it his house; The delay was brief, when it listened to my whistle said to me that it waited for and, after few minutes already was in the street, contained in his blue diver and with its bicycle.

It commented to me that nothing felt well, since the previous week it had been taking strong doses from antibiotics because it wanted to heal itself of a resfriado fort that could have prevented its exit to Ticlio, and that probably for that reason was the stomach ache that it had.

We arrived, to the Wiese tower, were exactly the 6,30 a.m. and approximately 6,35 we saw arrive a group from 4 people, were Christian, Alan, Bruno and Pablo, approached the place in which I was Mario and, asked to us if we were of the group that had summoned Mr. Gustavo Alva and that would leave for Ticlio, I responded that yes and as well I said also that I was Gustavo Alva, and asked near how they had found out the stroll since I she did not even know them, responded one to me of them, Christian, she said to me that he is friend of Miguel Lipa and that this one had passed him the voice, the peculiar thing of the case is that Miguel could not attend and who the other three personages indeed spent the voice the night previous to the adventure, exactly for that reason among them they did not know Christian, the friend of Miguel, knew Pablo, this one to Alan and he to Dark brown.

While the previous dialogue was provoked, Mario complained stomach ache, we waited for about 10 minutes and arrived another friend more mine, Toni; either we were 7 and I suggested to begin the adventure pedaleando towards Yerbateros, for that then Mario, or had stopped in accompanying to us; somebody that way suggested (with great success) which better we were in taxi until the station and thus we did it, we stopped three taxis, at the time of embarking and seeing the enthusiasm of people, Mario decided to go and that outside what God wanted; we took three cars (two light trucks and a tico) and thus undertook, not very comfortably seated, the route towards the terminal.

The first light truck that arrived was that in which I traveled three of the 7 along with biclas, and I had to say to him to the taxi driver who did not go away until the others arrived (it is not what to somebody it was happened to him to cuadrar to me) .

The taxi driver waited for and waited for and waited for... until the aim arrived, had lowered a rim of one of the taxis!

Good, we unloaded the bicycles and we entered the terminal, after haggling and to find out the time of departure of the omnibuses, we raised which it had until T.V., received S to us/. 10,00 by person and we were very comfortable until our objective, Ticlio. ?sto was a substantive improvement in the original plan, because what it had thought it was to raise in the hopper of some truck, thing that, aside from the incomodidad, and the cold was in the end, more expensive.

We had the luck that the omnibus stopped in ?a?a to supply itself of fuel, Mario descended from the vehicle, for its fortune there was a small two pharmacy and it could buy "Buscapinas", those that saved the trip to him.

While we went in ascent, a pleasing atmosphere of confraternidad was already breathed and equipment spirit, ?sto made foretell pleasing it that it would be the adventure.

Needing little minutes for the arrival the top, approached the cabin of the conductor to do memory to him of our point of reduction, agreed and said that it remembered it; once we had arrived at Ticlio, the vehicle stopped. The passengers watched, between been strange and surprised that seven of the travellers descended in that inhospitable place; some of first lowered with us, and between sonrisillas and cuchicheos of approval, they observed as our bicycles were flooded by means of a cord from the ceiling of the transport to the highway.

Domingo 10 de Junio de 2001

?El viaje ha sido EXCELENTE! Estuvimos a aproximadamente 1? cent?grado, ?alcanzamos hasta 84 Km./h!

Eran aproximadamente las 6.00 a.m. cuando sal? de casa para esperar a Mario, uno de mis hermanos, anduve pedaleando (para no "congelarme") cerca de 10.00 minutos, al ver que la hora avanzaba y que el susodicho no llegaba, decid? tomar al toro por las astas y fui a buscarlo a su casa; La espera fue breve, cuando escuch? mi silbido me dijo que esperara y, al cabo de unos pocos minutos ya estaba en la calle, enfundado en su buzo azul y con su bicicleta.

Me coment? que no se sent?a nada bien, ya que la semana anterior hab?a estado tomando fuertes dosis de antibi?ticos porque quer?a sanarse de un fuerte resfriado que pod?a haber impedido su salida a Ticlio, y que probablemente por ello era el dolor de est?mago que ten?a.

Llegamos, a la torre Wiese, eran exactamente las 6.30 a.m. y aproximadamente a las 6.35 vimos llegar un grupo de 4 personas, eran Christian, Alan, Bruno y Pablo, se acercaron al lugar en el que nos encontr?bamos Mario y yo, nos preguntaron si ?ramos del grupo que hab?a convocado el Sr. Gustavo Alva y que saldr?a para Ticlio, respond? que s? y a su vez dije tambi?n que yo era Gustavo Alva, y pregunt? a cerca de c?mo se hab?an enterado del paseo dado que yo aun no los conoc?a, me respondi? uno de ellos, Christian, me dijo que ?l es amigo de Miguel Lipa y que ?ste le hab?a pasado la voz, lo curioso del caso es que Miguel no pudo asistir y que los otros tres personajes se pasaron la voz precisamente la noche anterior a la aventura, justamente por eso entre ellos no se conoc?an Christian, el amigo de Miguel, conoc?a a Pablo, ?ste a Alan y ?l a Bruno.

Mientras el di?logo anterior se suscitaba, Mario se quejaba de dolor de est?mago, esperamos unos 10 minutos m?s y lleg? otro amigo m?o, Toni; ya ?ramos 7 y suger? empezar la aventura pedaleando hacia Yerbateros, para ese entonces Mario, ya hab?a desistido en acompa?arnos; alguien por ah? sugiri? (con gran acierto) que mejor fu?ramos en taxi hasta la estaci?n y as? lo hicimos, detuvimos tres taxis, al momento de embarcarnos y viendo el entusiasmo de la gente, Mario decidi? ir y que fuera lo que Dios quisiera; tomamos tres carros (dos camionetas y un tico) y as? emprendimos, no muy c?modamente sentados, la ruta hacia el terminal.

La primera camioneta que lleg? fue aquella en la que yo viajaba junto con tres de las 7 biclas, y tuve que decirle al taxista que no se fuera hasta que llegaran los dem?s (?no sea qu? a alguien se le ocurriera cuadrarme!) .

El taxista esper? y esper? y esper?... hasta que al fin llegaron, ?se hab?a bajado una llanta de uno de los taxis!

Bueno, descargamos las bicicletas e ingresamos al terminal, tras regatear y averiguar la hora de salida de los ?mnibuses, subimos a uno que ten?a hasta T.V., nos cobr? S/. 10.00 por persona y fuimos muy c?modos hasta nuestro objetivo, Ticlio. ?sto fue una mejora sustantiva en el plan original, porque lo que se hab?a pensado era subir en la tolva de alg?n cami?n, cosa que, aparte de la incomodidad, el y el fr?o resultaba a la postre, m?s costosa.

Tuvimos la suerte que el ?mnibus se detuviera en ?a?a para abastecerse de combustible, Mario descendi? del veh?culo, para su fortuna hab?a una peque?a farmacia y pudo comprar dos "Buscapinas", las que le salvaron el viaje.

Mientras ?bamos en ascenso, ya se respiraba un grato ambiente de confraternidad y esp?ritu de equipo, ?sto hac?a presagiar lo grato que ser?a la aventura.

Faltando unos escasos minutos para la llegada a la cima, me acerqu? a la cabina del conductor para hacerle recuerdo de nuestro punto de descenso, asinti? y dijo que lo ten?a presente; una vez que hubimos llegado a Ticlio, el veh?culo se detuvo. Los pasajeros miraban, entre extra?ados y sorprendidos que siete de los viajeros descendieran en aquel inh?spito paraje; algunos de los primeros bajaron con nosotros, y entre sonrisillas y cuchicheos de aprobaci?n, observaban como nuestras bicicletas eran arriadas mediante una cuerda desde el techo del transporte hasta la carretera.

descolgada ticlio

Once descended and with our complete equipment, the omnibus continued its route towards the locality of Tarma, we remained in the summit, observed extasiados our surroundings and each one, quedamente, stored in the deepest corners of its mind the impressive and overwhelming experience of knowing in the railway point more stop of the world next to its bicycle, the impressive Vista of the lagoons, the waves that the forts and frozen winds drew in them, the snow in slopes and skirts of hills, the sharp and dry cold and feeling to live in a place so different from everything.

Una vez descendidos y con nuestro equipamiento completo, el ?mnibus continu? su ruta hacia la localidad de Tarma, nosotros nos quedamos en la cumbre, observ?bamos extasiados nuestro entorno y cada uno, quedamente, almacenaba en los rincones m?s profundos de su mente la impresionante y abrumadora experiencia de saberse en el punto ferroviario m?s alto del mundo junto a su bicicleta, la vista impresionante de las lagunas, las ondas que los fuertes y g?lidos vientos dibujaban en ellas, la nieve en las laderas y faldas de los cerros, el fr?o cortante y seco y el sentirse vivir en un paraje tan distinto a todo.

descolgada ticlio

The altimeter that we took was able to accompany to us solely until the 4000 meters of height, passed these was limited to indicate "FULL", like a dumb witness who refuses to indicate what she cannot believe, seven cyclists single, in puna.

We made some photographies, we took shelter, we took a frugal breakfast (two chancays and kills of Cocaine) and undertook the vertiginous reduction.

He was something spectacular, the morning was sunny although it ran a fort frozen wind that froze the hands until the pain, which made the passage more interesting.

El alt?metro que llevamos fue capaz de acompa?arnos ?nicamente hasta los 4000 metros de altura, pasados estos se limit? a indicar "FULL", como un mudo testigo que se niega a se?alar lo que no puede creer, siete ciclistas solos, en la puna.

Hicimos algunas fotograf?as, nos abrigamos, tomamos un frugal desayuno (dos chancays y un mate de Coca) y emprendimos el vertiginoso descenso.

Fue algo espectacular, la ma?ana estaba soleada aunque corr?a un fuerte viento g?lido que helaba las manos hasta el dolor, lo que hizo m?s interesante la traves?a.

descolgada ticlio

The group worked very well, was much conscience of equipment and support of an a others.

We had to stop to us before each one of the longest tunnels to enter all together ones and to avoid rezagos that could lead to some fact that to be sorry; nevertheless, in spite of these precautions a member of the group suffered an accident that, happily did not have greater consequences, except for raspet?n in the hands.

When happening through the gorge of "Blanco River" that is a narrow runner by where as soon as they run like hilillo silver-plated and another target the Main highway and the Rimac river, we could see the high summits that accompanied to us like vigilant silentes of our adventure, I knew a clearly sensation of life, I asked myself between overwhelmed and perplex what thing did there, and of deepest of my being the answer arose, a smile was drawn in my face and that was the explanation.

We continued the reduction trying to print the greater possible speed to our vehicles, this he is something instinctive, it was not an arranged but spontaneous question, which contributed to give him to more dynamism and emotion to the adventure.

We entered the town of Chicla, the visit was lightning, as soon as the necessary time for photographies with old of the place and a their cattle ranch of flames, Toni was made happen through sport journalist "Dark brown Cacasa" and was convincing.

After passing San Mateo we also passed Cacachaqui and after an ascent marked, we arrived Matucana enough, we took a walk by the town and until I could see the house in which my wife was born; we went soon to the station of the railroad, in that we were a good time, we made some photographies, we talked, we commented and we joked soon to go to us to have lunch, was approximately the 1,30 p.m.

We entered a restaurant of that they are in the highway and we requested "Jumped Back", altogether 7 plates and two soda waters of liter; apparently there was nothing no prepared, since without exaggerating, I calculate that they delayed near one hour and thirty minutes in serving to us; he was regular?n, but it helped to follow with the passage.

Having had lunch we thought that the rest of the way, until Chosica, would be of less speed, but the instinct could more and we sent ourselves again in vertiginous reduction, I do not know accurately when we reached the 84 Km/h, but believe that it was in that section.

El grupo trabaj? muy bien, hubo mucha conciencia de equipo y apoyo de unos a otros.

Tuvimos que detenernos antes de cada uno de los t?neles m?s largos para ingresar todos juntos y evitar rezagos que pudieran conducir a alg?n hecho que lamentar; sin embargo, a pesar de estas precauciones un integrante del grupo sufri? un accidente que, felizmente no tuvo consecuencias mayores, salvo un raspet?n en las manos.

Al pasar por la quebrada de "R?o Blanco" que es un corredor angosto por donde apenas discurren como un hilillo plateado y otro blanco la Carretera Central y el r?o Rimac, pudimos ver las altas cumbres que nos acompa?aban como silentes vigilantes de nuestra aventura, tuve una clara sensaci?n de vida, me pregunt? entre at?nito y perplejo qu? cosa hac?a ah?, y de lo m?s profundo de mi ser aflor? la respuesta, una sonrisa se dibuj? en mi rostro y esa fue la explicaci?n.

Continuamos el descenso procurando imprimir la mayor velocidad posible a nuestros veh?culos, esto es algo instintivo, no fue una cuesti?n concertada sino espont?nea, lo que contribuy? a darle m?s dinamismo y emoci?n a la aventura.

Ingresamos al pueblo de Chicla, la visita fue rel?mpago, apenas el tiempo necesario para unas fotograf?as con un anciano del lugar y su hato de llamas, Toni se hizo pasar por el periodista deportivo "Bruno Cacasa" y estuvo convincente.

Despu?s de pasar San Mateo pasamos tambi?n Cacachaqui y luego de un ascenso bastante marcado, llegamos a Matucana, paseamos por el pueblo y hasta pude ver la casa en la que naci? mi esposa; nos dirigimos luego a la estaci?n del ferrocarril, en la que estuvimos un buen tiempo, hicimos algunas fotograf?as, conversamos, comentamos y bromeamos para luego irnos a almorzar, era aproximadamente la 1.30 p.m.

Entramos a un restaurante de esos que est?n en la carretera y pedimos "Lomo Saltado", en total 7 platos y dos gaseosas de litro; al parecer no hab?a nada preparado, ya que sin exagerar, calculo que demoraron cerca de una hora y treinta minutos en servirnos; estuvo regular?n, pero ayud? a seguir con la traves?a.

Habiendo almorzado pensamos que el resto del camino, hasta Chosica, ser?a de menos velocidad, pero el instinto pudo m?s y nos lanzamos nuevamente en vertiginoso descenso, no s? con precisi?n cuando alcanzamos los 84 Km/h, pero creo que fue en ese tramo.

descolgada ticlio

In agreement we were approaching Chosica we had to reduce walking to us more and more, since there was a traffic so that it seemed that we were in the Av. Abancay!

Once arrived at the main seat of the district, we began to look for transport means that took to us until the cinema "Orrantia" to give there by finished the excursion; It was so we rented Coaster and by S/. 60 and it took us until our final destiny not without passing a last adventure, the light truck, after passing the locality of ?a?a, was turned aside of the highway and it entered by a dirt road, after some blocks it turned around to the right and there malandrines conminaron to the conductor to that it gave some money them under threat to break moons to him of the vehicle with individual stones.

A facineroso tried to open the door of the vehicle, we noticed ourselves of the fact and like equipment that we were already estabamos all in alert and taking the necessary forecasts in the case of having to resort to the force to preserve our integrity and our bicycles, I believe that he was Dark brown the one that extracted of its bicycle the "Sword of the Augury", that was not more than a filudo and acute dagger of about 15 to 20cms. of leaf.

Any action of our part was not necessary, when receiving some currencies of the driver malandr?n and their three pals went away as if nothing had happened.

Once we arrived at the Orrantia cinema, we turned around there by the avenue Petit Tohuars and of to the Shred Solitude, place where we cancelled the agreed thing to the conductor of the transport and unloaded biclas to 7 at night, we went to a warehouse to share a last soda water and from each one he took his course there hoping to eet again us for the beginning of a next adventure.

Gustavo To Alva Ducato


Conforme ?bamos acerc?ndonos a Chosica tuvimos que reducir el andar m?s y m?s, ya que hab?a un tr?fico tal que parec?a que est?bamos ? en la Av. Abancay!

Una vez llegados a la plaza principal del distrito, empezamos a buscar un medio de transporte que nos llevara hasta el cine "Orrantia" para ah? dar por terminada la excursi?n; Fue as? que alquilamos una Coaster y por S/. 60 y nos llev? hasta nuestro destino final no sin pasar una ?ltima aventura, la camioneta, luego de pasar la localidad de ?a?a, se desvi? de la carretera e ingres? por un camino de tierra, luego de algunas cuadras volte? a la derecha y ah? unos malandrines conminaron al conductor a que les diera alg?n dinero amenaza de romperle las lunas del veh?culo con sendas piedras.

Un facineroso intent? abrir la puerta del veh?culo, nosotros nos percatamos del hecho y como equipo que ?ramos ya estabamos todos en alerta y tomando las previsiones necesarias en el caso de tener que recurrir a la fuerza para preservar nuestra integridad y nuestras bicicletas, creo que fue Bruno el que extrajo de su bicicleta la "Espada del Augurio", que no era m?s que un filudo y agudo pu?al de unos 15 a 20cms. de hoja.

No fue necesaria ninguna acci?n de nuestra parte, al recibir algunas monedas del chofer el malandr?n y sus tres compinches se fueron como si nada hubiera ocurrido.

Una vez que llegamos al cine Orrantia, volteamos por la avenida Petit Tohuars y de ah? al Jir?n Soledad, lugar donde cancelamos lo pactado al conductor del transporte y descargamos las biclas a las 7 de la noche, fuimos a una bodega a compartir una ?ltima gaseosa y de ah? cada uno tom? su rumbo esperando reencontrarnos para el inicio de una pr?xima aventura.

Gustavo A. Alva Ducato


Web site created on march 30 of 2005.
© Copyright 2005 Gualberto Valderrama C.